While we’re waiting for Patch Management to support scripts, here’s one method to leverage Microsoft AutoUpdate (MAU) version 3.18 msupdate command-line tool to update Office apps via Jamf Pro 10’s built-in patch features, inspired by [~pbowden].
Also available on GitHub.
After testing [~pbowden]’s MSUpdateHelper4JamfPro.sh script in our environment, my first thought was to use a payload-free package’s post-install script to simply call a policy which ran Paul’s script:
Microsoft Office 2016 Update 1.0.0.pkg
Post-install Script
#!/bin/sh ## postinstall pathToScript=$0 pathToPackage=$1 targetLocation=$2 targetVolume=$3 echo " " echo "###" echo "# Microsoft Office 2016 Update" echo "###" echo " " /usr/local/bin/jamf policy -trigger microsoftUpdate -verbose exit 0
After counseling with [~ted.johnsen], he convinced me that a Patch Policy calling a standard policy was too much of a hack.
Payload-free Post-install Script
Using Composer, create a payload-free package which contains the following post-install script. (In Composer, I named the package Microsoft Office 2016 msupdate.)
The post-install script will use the word after “Microsoft” in the pathToPackage variable as the application name to be updated (i.e., “Excel”) and the word after “msupdate” in the pathToPackage variable as the target version number (i.e., “16.12.18041000”).
In Composer, build the .PKG and in the Finder, manually duplicate and rename it based on the application to update and the desired version.
For example:
• Microsoft Word 2016 msupdate 16.12.18041000.pkg
• Microsoft Excel 2016 msupdate 16.12.18041000.pkg
• Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 msupdate 16.12.18041000.pkg
• Microsoft Outlook 2016 msupdate 16.12.18041000.pkg
• Microsoft OneNote 2016 msupdate 16.12.18041000.pkg
Add the packages to the definitions of the Microsoft Office Patch Management Software Titles.
When the patch policies run, the post-install script will leverage the “msupdate” binary to apply the updates.
Updated patch definitions are available on GitHub.
#!/bin/sh ## postinstall pathToScript=$0 pathToPackage=$1 targetLocation=$2 targetVolume=$3 #################################################################################################### # # ABOUT # # Microsoft Office 2016 msupdate Post-install # Inspired by: https://github.com/pbowden-msft/msupdatehelper # # Microsoft AutoUpdate (MAU) version 3.18 and later includes the "msupdate" binary which can be # used to start the Office for Mac update process. # See: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/DeployOffice/mac/update-office-for-mac-using-msupdate # # Jamf Pro 10 Patch Management Software Titles currently require a .PKG to apply updates # (as opposed to a scripted solution.) # # This script is intended to be used as a post-install script for a payload-free package. # # Required naming convention: "Microsoft Excel 2016 msupdate 16.12.18041000.pkg" # • The word after "Microsoft" in the pathToPackage is the application name to be updated (i.e., "Excel"). # • The word after "msupdate" in the pathToPackage is the target version number (i.e., "16.12.18041000"). # #################################################################################################### # # HISTORY # # Version 1.0.0, 26-Apr-2018, Dan K. Snelson # Version 1.0.1, 21-Jun-2018, Dan K. Snelson # Updated PerformUpdate function; thanks qharouff # Recorded the version of msupdate installed # #################################################################################################### echo " " echo "###" echo "# Microsoft Office 2016 msupdate Post-install" echo "###" echo " " ### # Variables ### # IT Admin constants for application path PATH_WORD="/Applications/Microsoft Word.app" PATH_EXCEL="/Applications/Microsoft Excel.app" PATH_POWERPOINT="/Applications/Microsoft PowerPoint.app" PATH_OUTLOOK="/Applications/Microsoft Outlook.app" PATH_ONENOTE="/Applications/Microsoft OneNote.app" # Path to package echo "• pathToPackage: ${1}" # Target app (i.e., the word after "Microsoft" in the pathToPackage) targetApp=$( /bin/echo ${1} | /usr/bin/awk '{for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) if ($i~/Microsoft/) print $(i+1)}' ) # Target version (i.e., the word after "msupdate" in the pathToPackage) targetVersion=$( /bin/echo ${1} | /usr/bin/awk '{for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) if ($i~/msupdate/) print $(i+1)}' | /usr/bin/sed 's/.pkg//' ) echo " " ### # Define functions ### # Function to check whether MAU 3.18 or later command-line updates are available function CheckMAUInstall() { if [ ! -e "/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/MAU2.0/Microsoft AutoUpdate.app/Contents/MacOS/msupdate" ]; then echo "*** Error: MAU 3.18 or later is required! ***" exit 1 else mauVersion=$( /usr/bin/defaults read "/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/MAU2.0/Microsoft AutoUpdate.app/Contents/Info.plist" CFBundleVersion ) echo "• MAU ${mauVersion} installed; proceeding ..." fi } # Function to check whether Office apps are installed function CheckAppInstall() { if [ ! -e "/Applications/Microsoft ${1}.app" ]; then echo "*** Error: Microsoft ${1} is not installed; exiting ***" exit 1 else echo "• Microsoft ${1} installed; proceeding ..." fi } # Function to determine the logged-in state of the Mac function DetermineLoginState() { CONSOLE=$( stat -f%Su /dev/console ) if [[ "${CONSOLE}" == "root" ]] ; then echo "• No user logged in" CMD_PREFIX="" else echo "• User ${CONSOLE} is logged in" CMD_PREFIX="sudo -u ${CONSOLE} " fi } # Function to register an application with MAU function RegisterApp() { echo "• Register App: Params - $1 $2" $(${CMD_PREFIX}defaults write com.microsoft.autoupdate2 Applications -dict-add "$1" "{ 'Application ID' = '$2'; LCID = 1033 ; }") } # Function to call 'msupdate' and update the target application function PerformUpdate() { echo "• Perform Update: ${CMD_PREFIX}./msupdate --install --apps $1 --version $2 --wait 600 2>/dev/null" result=$( ${CMD_PREFIX}/Library/Application\ Support/Microsoft/MAU2.0/Microsoft\ AutoUpdate.app/Contents/MacOS/msupdate --install --apps $1 $2 --wait 600 2>/dev/null ) echo "• ${result}" } ### # Command ### CheckMAUInstall CheckAppInstall ${targetApp} DetermineLoginState echo " " echo "• Updating Microsoft ${targetApp} to version ${targetVersion} ..." case "${targetApp}" in "Word" ) RegisterApp "${PATH_WORD}" "MSWD15" PerformUpdate "MSWD15" "${targetVersion}" ;; "Excel" ) RegisterApp "${PATH_EXCEL}" "XCEL15" PerformUpdate "XCEL15" "${targetVersion}" ;; "PowerPoint" ) RegisterApp "${PATH_POWERPOINT}" "PPT315" PerformUpdate "PPT315" "${targetVersion}" ;; "Outlook" ) RegisterApp "${PATH_OUTLOOK}" "OPIM15" PerformUpdate "OPIM15" "${targetVersion}" ;; "OneNote" ) RegisterApp "${PATH_ONENOTE}" "ONMC15" PerformUpdate "ONMC15" "${targetVersion}" ;; *) echo "*** Error: Did not recognize the target appliction of ${targetApp}; exiting. ***" exit 1 ;; esac echo "• Update inventory ..." /usr/local/bin/jamf recon echo " " echo "Microsoft Office 2016 msupdate Post-install Completed" echo "#####################################################" echo " " exit 0 ## Success exit 1 ## Failure
Updated for Microsoft Office 2019
Includes two new functions, CheckInstalledVersion
and ConfirmUpdate
, to execute jamf recon
only after the update is complete (or the time-out conditions are met). Also available on GitHub.
#!/bin/sh ## postinstall pathToScript=$0 pathToPackage=$1 targetLocation=$2 targetVolume=$3 #################################################################################################### # # ABOUT # # Microsoft Office 2019 msupdate Post-install # Inspired by: https://github.com/pbowden-msft/msupdatehelper # # Microsoft AutoUpdate (MAU) version 3.18 and later includes the "msupdate" binary which can be # used to start the Office for Mac update process. # See: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/DeployOffice/mac/update-office-for-mac-using-msupdate # # Jamf Pro 10 Patch Management Software Titles currently require a .PKG to apply updates # (as opposed to a scripted solution.) # # This script is intended to be used as a post-install script for a payload-free package. # # Required naming convention: "Microsoft Excel 2019 msupdate 16.17.18090901.pkg" # • The word after "Microsoft" in the pathToPackage is the application name to be updated (i.e., "Excel"). # • The word after "msupdate" in the pathToPackage is the target version number (i.e., "16.17.18090901"). # #################################################################################################### # # HISTORY # # Version 1.0.0, 04-Oct-2018, Dan K. Snelson # Based on "Microsoft Office 2016 msupdate 1.0.8" # #################################################################################################### ### # Variables ### msUpdatePause="600" # Number of seconds for msupdate processes to wait (recommended value: 600) numberOfChecks="15" # Number of times to check if the target app has been updated delayBetweenChecks="30" # Number of seconds to wait between tests # IT Admin constants for application path PATH_WORD="/Applications/Microsoft Word.app" PATH_EXCEL="/Applications/Microsoft Excel.app" PATH_POWERPOINT="/Applications/Microsoft PowerPoint.app" PATH_OUTLOOK="/Applications/Microsoft Outlook.app" PATH_ONENOTE="/Applications/Microsoft OneNote.app" # Target app (i.e., the word after "Microsoft" in the pathToPackage) targetApp=$( /bin/echo ${1} | /usr/bin/awk '{for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) if ($i~/Microsoft/) print $(i+1)}' ) # Target version (i.e., the word after "msupdate" in the pathToPackage) targetVersion=$( /bin/echo ${1} | /usr/bin/awk '{for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) if ($i~/msupdate/) print $(i+1)}' | /usr/bin/sed 's/.pkg//' ) ### # Define functions ### # Function to check whether MAU 3.18 or later command-line updates are available function CheckMAUInstall() { if [ ! -e "/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/MAU2.0/Microsoft AutoUpdate.app/Contents/MacOS/msupdate" ]; then echo "*** Error: MAU 3.18 or later is required! ***" exit 1 else mauVersion=$( /usr/bin/defaults read "/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/MAU2.0/Microsoft AutoUpdate.app/Contents/Info.plist" CFBundleVersion ) echo "• MAU ${mauVersion} installed; proceeding ..." fi } # Function to check whether Office apps are installed function CheckAppInstall() { if [ ! -e "/Applications/Microsoft ${1}.app" ]; then echo "*** Error: Microsoft ${1} is not installed; exiting ***" exit 1 else echo "• Microsoft ${1} installed; proceeding ..." fi } # Function to determine the logged-in state of the Mac function DetermineLoginState() { CONSOLE=$( stat -f%Su /dev/console ) if [[ "${CONSOLE}" == "root" ]] ; then echo "• No user logged in" CMD_PREFIX="" else echo "• User ${CONSOLE} is logged in" CMD_PREFIX="sudo -u ${CONSOLE} " fi } # Function to register an application with MAU function RegisterApp() { echo "• Register App: $1 $2" $(${CMD_PREFIX}defaults write com.microsoft.autoupdate2 Applications -dict-add "$1" "{ 'Application ID' = '$2'; LCID = 1033 ; }") } # Function to call 'msupdate' and update the target application function PerformUpdate() { echo "• Perform Update: ${CMD_PREFIX}./msupdate --install --apps $1 --version $2 --wait ${msUpdatePause}" result=$( ${CMD_PREFIX}/Library/Application\ Support/Microsoft/MAU2.0/Microsoft\ AutoUpdate.app/Contents/MacOS/msupdate --install --apps $1 --version $2 --wait ${msUpdatePause} 2>/dev/null ) echo "• ${result}" } # Function to check the currently installed version function CheckInstalledVersion() { installedVersion=$( /usr/bin/defaults read "${1}"/Contents/Info.plist CFBundleVersion ) echo "• Installed Version: ${installedVersion}" } # Function to confirm the update, then perform recon function ConfirmUpdate() { echo "• Target Application: ${1}" CheckInstalledVersion "${1}" counter=0 until [[ ${installedVersion} == ${targetVersion} ]] || [[ ${counter} -gt ${numberOfChecks} ]]; do ((counter++)) echo "• Check ${counter}; pausing for ${delayBetweenChecks} seconds ..." /bin/sleep ${delayBetweenChecks} CheckInstalledVersion "${1}" done if [[ ${installedVersion} == ${targetVersion} ]]; then echo "• Target Version: ${targetVersion}" echo "• Installed Version: ${installedVersion}" echo "• Update inventory ..." /usr/local/bin/jamf recon else echo "WARNING: Update not completed within the specified duration; recon NOT performed" echo "• Target Version: ${targetVersion}" echo "• Installed Version: ${installedVersion}" echo "• Delay Between Checks: ${delayBetweenChecks}" echo "• Number of Checks: ${numberOfChecks}" fi } ### # Command ### echo " " echo "#############################################################" echo "# Microsoft Office 2019 msupdate v1.0.0 for ${targetApp}" echo "#############################################################" echo " " echo "• Path to Package: ${1}" echo "• Target App: ${targetApp}" echo "• Target Version: ${targetVersion}" echo " " CheckMAUInstall CheckAppInstall ${targetApp} DetermineLoginState echo " " echo "• Updating Microsoft ${targetApp} to version ${targetVersion} ..." case "${targetApp}" in "Word" ) RegisterApp "${PATH_WORD}" "MSWD2019" PerformUpdate "MSWD2019" "${targetVersion}" ConfirmUpdate "${PATH_WORD}" ;; "Excel" ) RegisterApp "${PATH_EXCEL}" "XCEL2019" PerformUpdate "XCEL2019" "${targetVersion}" ConfirmUpdate "${PATH_EXCEL}" ;; "PowerPoint" ) RegisterApp "${PATH_POWERPOINT}" "PPT32019" PerformUpdate "PPT32019" "${targetVersion}" ConfirmUpdate "${PATH_POWERPOINT}" ;; "Outlook" ) RegisterApp "${PATH_OUTLOOK}" "OPIM2019" PerformUpdate "OPIM2019" "${targetVersion}" ConfirmUpdate "${PATH_OUTLOOK}" ;; "OneNote" ) RegisterApp "${PATH_ONENOTE}" "ONMC2019" PerformUpdate "ONMC2019" "${targetVersion}" ConfirmUpdate "${PATH_ONENOTE}" ;; *) echo "*** Error: Did not recognize the target application of ${targetApp}; exiting. ***" exit 1 ;; esac echo " " echo "Microsoft Office 2019 msupdate completed for ${targetApp}" echo "# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #" echo " " exit 0 ## Success exit 1 ## Failure