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Run any Jamf Pro policy at the next user login or computer reboot
Gather the data you need — on-demand — while eliminating the need for short-term Extension Attributes
For BYOD and user-initiated enrollments, Setup Your Mac (1.9.0) now provides more detailed feedback for “Previously Installed” apps
I was honored to present at the inaugural virtual meetup of the Four Corners and The Silver State Jamf User Group, 30-Mar-2023, on “Custom Branded Notifications and Messages with swiftDialog.”
(Hopefully) automate the remediation of sideways Falcon installations
Leverage switftDialog and Jamf Pro Policy Script Parameters to easily display engaging end-user messages
A pair of scripts to help Jamf Pro admins easily display custom branded macOS Notifications
Provide your users more detailed feedback on CrowdStrike Falcon’s built-in falconctl diagnose command
Setup Your Mac (1.8.0) introduces Configurations, which enable users with high-bandwidth Internet access to maximize initial computer setup, while also allowing users with low-bandwidth access to configure an organizationally compliant Mac in a single step.