I was honored to present at the inaugural virtual meetup of the Four Corners and The Silver State Jamf User Group, 30-Mar-2023, on “Custom Branded Notifications and Messages with swiftDialog.”
(Hopefully) automate the remediation of sideways Falcon installations
Leverage switftDialog and Jamf Pro Policy Script Parameters to easily display engaging end-user messages
A pair of scripts to help Jamf Pro admins easily display custom branded macOS Notifications
Provide your users more detailed feedback on CrowdStrike Falcon’s built-in falconctl diagnose command
Setup Your Mac (1.8.0) introduces Configurations, which enable users with high-bandwidth Internet access to maximize initial computer setup, while also allowing users with low-bandwidth access to configure an organizationally compliant Mac in a single step.
Leverage MDM-delivered Configuration Profiles and a custom Bash script for dynamic, yet consistent Sensor Grouping Tags in CrowdStrike Falcon
Setup Your Mac (1.7.0) benefits from the latest swiftDialog 2.1 features and easily allows Mac Admins to specify a minimum OS version to help mitigate zero-day attacks
For older macOS versions when swiftDialog isn’t an option, leverage Jamf Helper to provide your users actionable messages
Setup Your Mac (1.6.0) introduces “live” Jamf Pro policy validation to answer the question: “I can see it’s installed … is it running?