While we’re waiting for an updated version of Amsys’ excellent Revise IT, here’s a Brainscape deck for OS X Support Essentials 10.12, which is based on Apple’s Exam…
A Jamf Pro script to open the URL specified in Parameter 4.
Background While we graciously provide our JSS data to ServiceNow in the most automatted of fashions, it is a one-way relationship (i.e., the Facebook status between our…
Leverage Jamf Pro’s API to easily allow users to opt-in / opt-out of your internal beta test program
In a recent conversation with nkoval, he mentioned that when he’s not preparing for his proctored OS X Support Essentials 10.11 Exam with Amsys’ Revise IT, he’s a big,…
To aid end-users in determining where all their hard drive space has gone, we have a Self Service policy which leverages du and outputs text files of…