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Setup Your Mac (1.2.4) via swiftDialog

Update: 11-Jun-2024

Setup Your Mac (1.15.0) with SYM-Helper (1.2.0) via swiftDialog (2.5.0)

Leverages swiftDialog v1.11.2 (or later) and Jamf Pro Policy Custom Events to allow end-users to self-complete Mac setup post-enrollment via Jamf Pro’s Self Service. (See Jamf Pro Known Issues PI100009 - PI-004775.)


Provide your users a seamless post-enrollment experience in setting up their new Macs.

Setup Your Mac via swiftDialog (1.2.4) (02:11; no audio)

New Features

Several new features have been added since the original post.

Latest version is available on GitHub.


Swap “Installing …” and “Pending …” status indicators (thanks, @joncrain)


Updates for switftDialog v1.11.2
Report failures in Jamf Pro Policy Triggers


Added a dark mode logo option, thanks to mm2270.


Asset Tag Capture is now optional in 1.2.1 and a Jamf Pro Administrator is required to specifically enable Asset Tag Capture by setting Script Parameter 5 to true (i.e., default is to not prompt the user for an Asset Tag).

Jamf Pro Administrator is required to specifically enable Asset Tag Capture by setting Script Parameter 5 to true


The most significant change in version 1.2.0 is the implementation of James Smith’s JSON policy_array to more easily allow the implementation of custom progresstext for each installation step.

  • Changed --infobuttontext to --infotext
  • Added regex and regexerror for Asset Tag Capture
  • Replaced @adamcodega’s apps with @smithjw’s policy_array
  • Added progress update
  • Added filepath validation


Asset Tag Capture was introduced in version 1.1.0 , which is captured and reported in the Setting up your Mac screen and submitted near the end of the scipt when inventory is updated via jamf recon -assetTag ${assetTag}.

Asset Tag Capture was introduced in version 1.1.0

Version 1.1.0 introduces Debug Mode, which may prove helpful during initial deployment or for ongoing troubleshooting.

When Debug Mode is set to true — and only true — you will observe the following behavior changes:

  • The --title in the Setting up your Mac screen will be preceeded by DEBUG MODE |
  • Jamf Pro policies will not execute, but will output to the Jamf Pro Policy Log what would have executed had Debug Mode not been set to true
  • Computer inventory will not be updated, but will output to the Jamf Pro Policy Log what would have been submitted (i.e., user-entered Asset Tag)

Note: When Debug Mode is set to true, you should expect to observe multiple failures in the Setting up your Mac screen as the policies which install the so-called filepath for validation don’t actually execute.

Debug Mode in version 1.2.1


You should be comfortable modifying scripts before using this approach (i.e., customizing existing settings to your needs).

Presuming the script’s core functionality meets your needs, writing code should not be required.

Script Modifications

policy_array Variable

For each configuration step, specify:

  • listitem The text to be displayed in the list
  • icon The hash of the icon to be displayed on the left
  • progresstext The text to be displayed below the progress bar
  • trigger The Jamf Pro Policy Custom Event Name
  • path The filepath for validation
    "steps": [
            "listitem": "FileVault Disk Encryption",
            "icon": "f9ba35bd55488783456d64ec73372f029560531ca10dfa0e8154a46d7732b913",
            "progresstext": "FileVault is built-in to macOS and provides full-disk encryption to help prevent unauthorized access to your Mac.",
            "trigger_list": [
                    "trigger": "filevault",
                    "path": "/Library/Preferences/"
            "listitem": "Sophos Endpoint",
            "icon": "c70f1acf8c96b99568fec83e165d2a534d111b0510fb561a283d32aa5b01c60c",
            "progresstext": "You’ll enjoy next-gen protection with Sophos Endpoint which doesn’t rely on signatures to catch malware.",
            "trigger_list": [
                    "trigger": "sophosEndpoint",
                    "path": "/Applications/Sophos/Sophos"
            "listitem": "Palo Alto GlobalProtect",
            "icon": "fcccf5d72ad9a4f6d3a4d780dcd8385378a0a8fd18e8c33ad32326f5bd53cca0",
            "progresstext": "Use Palo Alto GlobalProtect to establish a Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection to Church headquarters.",
            "trigger_list": [
                    "trigger": "globalProtect",
                    "path": "/Applications/"
            "listitem": "Microsoft Teams",
            "icon": "dcb65709dba6cffa90a5eeaa54cb548d5ecc3b051f39feadd39e02744f37c19e",
            "progresstext": "Microsoft Teams is a hub for teamwork in Office 365. Keep all your team’s chats, meetings and files together in one place.",
            "trigger_list": [
                    "trigger": "microsoftTeams",
                    "path": "/Applications/Microsoft"
            "listitem": "Zoom",
            "icon": "92b8d3c448e7d773457532f0478a428a0662f694fbbfc6cb69e1fab5ff106d97",
            "progresstext": "Zoom is a videotelephony software program developed by Zoom Video Communications.",
            "trigger_list": [
                    "trigger": "zoom",
                    "path": "/Applications/"
            "listitem": "Google Chrome",
            "icon": "12d3d198f40ab2ac237cff3b5cb05b09f7f26966d6dffba780e4d4e5325cc701",
            "progresstext": "Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the Web faster.",
            "trigger_list": [
                    "trigger": "googleChrome",
                    "path": "/Applications/Google"
            "listitem": "Final Configuration",
            "icon": "00d7c19b984222630f20b6821425c3548e4b5094ecd846b03bde0994aaf08826",
            "progresstext": "Finalizing Church Configuration …",
            "trigger_list": [
                    "trigger": "finalConfiguration",
                    "path": ""
                    "trigger": "reconAtReboot",
                    "path": ""
                    "trigger": "computerNameSet",
                    "path": ""
            "listitem": "Update Inventory",
            "icon": "90958d0e1f8f8287a86a1198d21cded84eeea44886df2b3357d909fe2e6f1296",
            "progresstext": "The listing of your computer’s installed apps and settings — its inventory — is automatically sent to the Jamf Pro server daily.",
            "trigger_list": [
                    "trigger": "recon",
                    "path": ""

Jamf Pro Script Options

Labels to use for script parameters. Parameters 1 through 3 are predefined as mount point, computer name, and username

  • Parameter 4: Debug Mode ( true | false, blank)
  • Parameter 5: Asset Tag Capture ( true | false, blank)

Jamf Pro Policy Script Payload

  • Debug Mode: true to enable Debug Mode; defaults to disabled
  • Asset Tag Capture: true to prompt user to provide an Asset Tag; defaults to not prompting the user to provide an Asset Tag
Posted in Device Management, macOS, Scripts, Tips & Tricks

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